
News and communication on environmental contaminants

On this page you can find all our news, events, films and reports connected to our research area environmental contaminants.

  • Micropollutants is a collective term for a wide range of chemicals
that are present in the aquatic environment as a result of human
activities. These substances are used for example as ingredients
in pharmaceuticals, pesticides, personal care products, food
additives and household products, or as components or byproducts
in industrial processes and various materials. Call for better management of micropollutants in wastewater 2021-02-23 Urban wastewater treatment plants are important collection points for many chemical contaminants that are widespread in the aquatic environment. But micropollutant emissions from them are poorly assessed and regulated.
  • Interactions between organic contaminants and biogeochemical cycles 2021-01-11
  • Chemicals and hazardous substances accumulates in our seas. Photo: Tomas Järnetun/ Azote Baltic Breakfast on the new EU Chemicals Strategy 2020-12-10 A Baltic Breakfast webinar where chemical experts from Stockholm University and The Royal Institute of Technology gave their views on the recently presented EU Chemicals Strategy.
  • UBC webinar: Ensuring water safety from hazardous substances 2020-11-20 Union of the Baltic Cities arrange a webinar; Ensuring water safety from hazardous substances. Emma Undeman, researcher at the Baltic Sea Centre, will be one of the presenters.
  • Academia represented at EU level 2020-10-28 Professor Christina Rudén has been selected as an observer to CARACAL, an expert group under the European Commission. Stockholm University the only academic organization in this important advisory group on chemicals in EU.
  • Comments on new Chemical Strategy 2020-10-16 The new Chemical Strategy has just been presented. Researchers, policy experts and communicators have joined forces to communicate the relevant science from Stockholm University.
  • Today’s massive flow of chemicals places new demands on risk management. Managing chemicals in groups and introducing mixture risk assessments into all chemicals legislation are two key measures to protect health and the environment. Photo: Bengt Olsson/Mostphotos Time for smarter and safer chemical management 2020-06-02 Today’s massive flow of chemicals places new demands on risk management. Managing chemicals in groups and introducing mixture risk assessments into all chemicals legislation are two key measures to protect health and the environment.
  • Policy Brief: The cosmetics clean-up 2020-02-04 Hygiene products are a small but important point source for microplastics to the environment. In a Policy Brief from April 2015, Baltic Eye summarized a number of recommendations on how to limit the release of microplastics from hygiene products.
  • Policy Brief: European chemicals regulation needs greater transparency 2019-06-25 To meet the challenges of chemical risks in everyday life, risk assessments under the REACH registration process must be improved. One key element in this transformation is to introduce greater transparency.
  • Policy Brief: Advanced wastewater treatment 2019-04-26 New times call for new measures. Advanced wastewater treatment can be part of meeting the challenges of society’s ongoing chemical intensification. New water treatment techniques have the potential to significantly reduce emissions of both known and unknown substances to the aquatic environment and reduce the risk of marine pollution.
  • Web survey about Decision Support Tools 2019-03-18 Do you have experience of Decision Support Tools? Or do you need tools to support your decision making when it comes to the Baltic Sea? Please help us out by answering the BONUS DESTONY web survey!
  • Control factors of the marine nitrogen cycle More negative side effects of capping 2018-11-27 Sediment capping with activated carbon might affect, among other things, essential benthic ecosystem functions.
  • Policy Brief: Why we need a list of ingredients on consumer articles 2018-10-19 Today, information on the chemical composition of articles is very scarce, making it difficult to understand which potentially hazardous chemicals are being released to the Baltic Sea. There is an urgent need for standardized methods and legal incentives to increase the transparency.
  • BEAM Brochure Fall 2014 University Baltic Sea research in short 2016-10-28 What are the effects of brominated substances on marine wildlife? How does regulation to decrease eutrophication look in Baltic Sea countries? Why can trawling lead to toxic pollution? These are some of the issues that scientists in a large research program at Stockholm University work with.
  • Many unknown chemicals in the Baltic Sea 2016-05-26 New chemicals are often not recognized in analyses of fish in the Baltic Sea, shows a study from Stockholm University. The reason is that one chooses to search for chemicals that are already known, and much of those who are already regulated by law.
  • Take a stand for the Baltic Sea 2015-06-15 On the fourth of June, the two Swedish adventurers Oskar Kihlborg and Sören Kjellkvist, have scheduled to start a two weeks long paddle adventure on the Baltic Sea. By collecting microplastics while paddling they want to raise awareness about problems connected to microplastics, especially the unnecessary plastic pollution by personal care products.
  • Great media interest in Baltic Eyes new data on microplastic 2015-04-21 The Baltic Eye-researcher Katja Broegs new data on the amount of the microplastics from personal care products annually released into the Baltic Sea, received considerable media attention when they were presented.

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Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre ...

... conducts research to support the management of the Baltic Sea, transmits useful scientific knowledge to the right place in society and provide essential infrastructure for marine monitoring, research and education.

Scientific leader:

Christoph Humborg

08-674 76 68

We offer resources ...

The Baltic Centre provide, develop and maintain expensive physical and financial resources for marine research.

... and convey useful knowledge

Another important task is to make research results and information available for those who work with management as well as and other interested parties.

Coworkers: environmental contaminants