24 datasets found
The annual distribution of supraglacial lakes on Ryder Glacier, Northern Greenland, was mapped for the peak of each year´s melt season (July and August) over...
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) representing the surface height of Mårmaglaciären and Mårmapakteglaciären in 1959, 1978, 1991, 2008, 2016 and 2021. The...
Geodetic mass balance estimates of Mårmaglaciären between 1959, 1978, 1991, 2008, 2016 and 2021. The glacier is located in the Mårma massif, in northern...
Glacier outline polygons of Mårmaglaciären and Mårmapakteglaciären from 1959, 1978, 1991, 2008, 2016 and 2021. The glaciers are located in the Mårma...
A collection of photos, maps, videos and radar images for Swedish glaciers is presented. The large part of photos have been taken in connection with yearly...
This dataset comprises 5-year means of various hydro-climatic, edaphic and agricultural data aggregated at catchment-scale, in 110 catchments in the...
This spatial dataset contains raster files for 6 spatial archetypes representing social-ecological regions — archetypes of water harvesting regions (AWHR)...
Harmonized hydrological base map of the entire Baltic Sea Drainage Basin, including 634 sub-drainage basins. Attribute data, added to all the sub-drainage...
This spatial data set was constructed from empirical maps of biomes at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 19 – 26,5 kyr BP) across the Northern LGM permafrost...
This dataset contains 7069 sheets of the Swedish Economic Map. These map sheets were published between 1930s and 1960s, with each sheet covering a 25 km2 area...
Historical cadastral map (Häradskartan in Swedish) from the beginning of the 20th century over a 1652 km² area in southeastern Sweden was digitised in order...
A reconstruction of the deglaciation of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, in the form of calendar-year time-slices, which are useful for ice sheet modelling, is...
Geomorphological maps and a dataset of 50 cosmogenic exposure datings of paleo landforms and paleo surfaces from the following sites: Långfjället,...
This dataset includes shapefiles of glacial landforms (ice-marginal moraines, glacial lineations, glacial valleys, scoured terrain) and fluvial terraces in the...
Images of paleogeographical maps of Uppland in Sweden 5000 BC to 500 AD.
This dataset contains GIS grids of peatland properties for the full northern hemisphere, north of 23° N. The files include peatland extent, permafrost extent,...
This dataset contains binary raster maps showing presence-or-not of peatlands in the forested landscape of Sweden. Four different binary rasters are provided,...
This spatial dataset is quantifying soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) storage with their carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) in soils of the...
This dataset is a quantification soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) stocks for two study sites in Canadian lowland tundra at a spatial resolution of 2...
The Arctic Lena River Delta has been sampled with 50 soil pedons. These were classified according to the U.S.D.A. Soil Taxonomy and fall mostly into the...
The Arctic Lena River Delta has been sampled with 50 soil pedons. These were classified according to the U.S.D.A. Soil Taxonomy and fall mostly into the...
This dataset contains dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and ancillary biogeochemical and environmental data, collected from previously published...