Christian Stranne, Johan Nilsson, Julia Muchowski
Lowered acoustic doppler current profiler (LADCP) data collected at most CTD stations during the Ryder 2019 Expedition from coastal waters along northwestern Greenland, from Thule in the south to Sherard Osborn Fjord in the north.
More specifically, the CTD stations cover Nares Strait, southern Lincoln Sea, Sherard Osborn Fjord (where Ryder Glacier drains), and Petermann fjord (where Petermann Glacier drains).
These LADCP data include a total of 49 profiles of the horizontal velocity components in the water column.
Download data
Christian Stranne, Johan Nilsson, Julia Muchowski (2020) Oceanographic LADCP data from the Ryder 2019 expedition. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database.
Jakobsson M, Mayer LA, Farrell F, Ryder 2019 Scientific Party (2020) Expedition report: SWEDARCTIC Ryder 2019, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, 455 pp, ISBN 978-91-519-5132-4
Data description
LADCP data from Ryder 2019 expedition are organized in xlsx files (one for each station) and include the following parameters:
- z = depth (m)
- u = eastward velocity component (m/s)
- v = northward velocity component (m/s)
The dataset includes a list (txt file) with station numbers (with reference to the CTD stations), timepoints, latitude and longitude for all 49 LADCP stations.
Two RDI Workhorse (300 kHz) Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) were mounted on the CTD rosette (one upward- and one downward-looking). Data were processed with the LDEO IX13 LADCP package written in MATLAB and available from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Earth Institute, US (Visbeck, 2002. Deep velocity profiling using lowered acoustic doppler current profilers: Bottom track and inverse solutions. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 19, 794 – 807).
The Ryder expedition was carried out with Swedish icebreaker Oden starting/ending in US Air Force Base Thule, Northwest Greenland, Aug 5/Sept 10, 2019. It was multidisciplinary with a broad range of data collected. The main target was Sherard Osborn Fjord where Ryder Glaciers drains the north-western Greenland Ice Sheet. Included in the expedition survey areas were also Petermann Fjord and adjacent Hall Basin, northern Nares Strait and an area northeast of Ellesmere Island in the Lincoln Sea.