John Prytherch, Michael Tjernström, Patrick Crill, Ian Brooks
Eddy covariance observations of atmosphere-ocean fluxes of CO₂; dissolved CO₂ in surface waters, and derived gas transfer velocities during the SWERUS-C3 project in the Arctic Ocean, from July through September 2014. Datasets were collected in open water and in sea ice onboard the Swedish icebreaker Oden.
Download data
John Prytherch, Michael Tjernström, Patrick Crill, Ian Brooks (2017) Atmosphere-ocean carbon dioxide fluxes and gas transfer velocities during SWERUS-C3 Arctic expedition. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database.
Prytherch, J., I. M. Brooks, P. M. Crill, B. F. Thornton, D. J. Salisbury, M. Tjernström, L. G. Anderson, M. C. Geibel, and C. Humborg (2017), Direct determination of the air-sea CO₂ gas transfer velocity in Arctic sea ice regions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 3770–3778,
Data description
This datapackage contains eddy covariance air-sea fluxes of CO₂, supporting data including dissolved CO₂ in surface waters, and derived gas transfer velocities obtained during the SWERUS-C3 project in the Arctic Ocean from July through September 2014. The datasets were collected onboard the Swedish icebreaker Oden.
This datapackage consists of three files:
1. SWERUS_C3_gas_transfer_means_1.0.mat.asc
Single ASCII comma separated file. Fluxes, gas transfer velocities, and supporting data averaged to the flux measurement period (20 minutes). This data has been filtered for flux measurement quality, including wind direction and outlier filters, as described in Prytherch et al. (2017).
Compressed file (total size ~ 128 MB) containing 612 ASCII comma separated files. High rate (~ 10 Hz) measurements of wind components and CO₂ mixing ratio used in the calculation of eddy covariance fluxes. Individual data files within the compressed file correspond to each mean value, as indicated by the time stamp in the filename.
3. Readme_SWERUSC3_gas_transfer_1.0
RTF format readme providing variable names, units, and brief notes on data processing for the above data files.