Josefin Thorslund
Long-term (1901–2014) annual average hydroclimatic conditions (T, P, ET) for wetlandscapes (catchments with wetland networks) around the world. These sites are all part of the Global Wetland Ecohydrology Network (GWEN). Temperature (T, in °C) and precipitation (P, in mm/yr) information are obtained directly from available data for a circle with an area of 1000 km², defined around the mid-coordinate of each wetlandscape site, while actual evapotranspiration (AET, in mm/yr) are first-order estimates for the same spatial extent based on the T and P data.
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Josefin Thorslund (2018) Long-term hydroclimatic data for 22 globally distributed wetlandscape sites. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database.
Thorslund, J., Jarsjö, J., Jaramillo, F., Jawitz, J., Manzoni, S., Basu, N.B., Chalov, S., Cohen, M., Creed, I., Goldenberg, R., Hylin, A., Kalantari, Z., Koussis, A., Lyon, S., Mazi, K., Mård, J., Persson, K., Pietroń, J., Prieto, C., Quin, A., Van Meter, K., Destouni, G. (2017). Wetlands as large-scale nature-based solutions: status and challenges for research, engineering and management, Ecol. Eng., 108, 489-497.
Data description
Gridded data of monthly precipitation and temperature from the Climate Reseach Unit (CRU) dataset CRU TS 3.10 (Harris et al., 2014, doi:10.1002/joc.3711) was used to obtain annual precipitation (P) and mean temperature (T) at each wetland site. The gridded data was masked with the corresponding basin shapefile obtained from a circle with a 1000 km2 surface area around the mid-coordinate of each wetland complex. The weighted-area means of monthly precipitation and temperature were then temporally aggregated to annual values for each basin from the values for all cells included within the basin’s shape file boundary. T, P, ET data and site coordinates are provided in separate csv files, contained in one zip file.
Further documentation about the sites, data sources and methods can be found in Appendix of the published paper (Thorslund et al., 2017). See for further information on the Global Wetland Ecohydrology Network (GWEN).