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50 datasets found



Sediment cores

Lateglacial and early Holocene environmental changes from Lake Medvedevskoye, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetics, radiocarbon dates, diatom counts, pollen counts, percentages and concentrations for the lacustrine sediment sequence of...

Lateglacial and early Holocene multi-proxy data set for the ancient lake at Atteköpsmosse, southern Sweden

Lithostratigraphy, tephra, geochemistry, biomarkers, hydrogen isotopes, radiocarbon dates, age model, chironomid counts and percentages, pollen counts and...

Lateglacial and early Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Pastorskoye, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, radiocarbon dates, pollen counts, percentages and concentrations for the lacustrine sediment sequence of Lake Pastorskoye, Karelian Isthmus,...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Chashnitsy, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, bulk sediment carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Nero, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, bulk sediment carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Pichozero, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, geochemistry, grain size, pollen, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment and peat bog...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Tambichozero, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, organic carbon, grain size, pollen, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment and peat bog...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Zaozer'e, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, bulk sediment carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment...

Organic geochemical data including leaf wax hydrogen isotopes from Sokli, Northern Finland

The dataset contains bulk geochemical data (TOC, TN, bulk δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N), leaf wax concentrations and their hydrogen isotope composition, from the...

Paleoenvironmental data from Lake Chilau, southern Mozambique, inferring savanna and lake level dynamics in the last 7700 years

This data set contains proxy data from a paleoenvironment reconstruction study covering the last 7700 years in southern Mozambique, derived from fossil...

Temperature and hydrological data for the last 18,000 years from Lake Nong Thale Prong, Southern Thailand

Data from a sediment core from Nong Thale Prong, Southern Thailand, including radiocarbon data, plant macrofossil and charcoal data, bulk geochemistry, leaf...


Arctic carbon

Accumulation rates, isotopic and molecular data of terrestrial carbon in sediments of the Laptev Sea continental margin

This dataset contains isotopic (¹³C and ¹⁴C) and molecular biomarker data (lignin phenols, n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids) of organic carbon in surface...

Bulk organic carbon and biomarker data for the marine sediment core SWERUS-L2-4-PC1, Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean

This dataset was created to reconstruct the historical remobilization of permafrost carbon from the Beringian landmass to the Chukchi Sea. We analyzed carbon...

Seawater Carbonate System, Ocean Acidification and Related Parameters in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Seas

This dataset builds on an order of magnitude more observations than reports to date on Ocean Acidification (OA) in the Arctic Ocean; and, for the first time in...

Sources and accumulation rates of terrestrial carbon in circum-Arctic shelf sediments

This dataset contains terrestrial organic carbon (terrOC) mass accumulation rates in surface sediments of the seven circum-Arctic shelf seas, observational...

The Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database — Carbon, nitrogen and isotopes in sediment cores of the Arctic Ocean

This dataset is part of the Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database (CASCADE) and contains data for sediment cores across the Arctic Ocean, which are divided...

The Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database — Carbon, nitrogen, isotopes and biomarkers in surface sediments of the Arctic Ocean

This dataset is part of the Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database (CASCADE) and contains carbon data of surface sediments across the Arctic Ocean. Surface...

The Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database — CASCADE

The Circum-Arctic Sediment CArbon DatabasE (CASCADE) was established to curate data on concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN), OC...

The Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database — Gridded carbon, nitrogen and isotope data in surface sediments of the Arctic Ocean

This dataset is part of the Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database (CASCADE) and contains gridded data of organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN) and OC...






14C dates ACSE Active layer dynamics Aerosols Africa Air pollution Air temperature Alpine Anaerobic oxidation Antarctic circumpolar current Antarctica Aquatic biota Arctic Arctic Carbon Arctic Ocean Arctic gateways Atlantic meridional overturning circulation Baltic states Bats Benthic foraminifera Biogeochemical cycles Biomarkers Black carbon Body size Bottom water temperature Bronze Age Budyko framework CASCADE CMIP6 CO₂ reconstruction Carbon Carbon cycling Carbon flux Carbon isotope Carbon isotopes Carbonaceous aerosols China Chukchi Sea Climate Climate change Climate change feedback Climate indicator Climate indicator plant species Climate model Climate model simulation Climate modelling Climate proxy data Climate reconstruction Climate reconstructions Climate scenarios Climate sensitivity Climate variability Climate warming Clouds Coastal erosion Crania Cryology Data visualisation Deep water Deglaciation Delhi Diatom stratigraphy Diatoms Dissociation Drought EC-Earth Early Holocene Earth science East Siberia permafrost East Siberian Sea Eemian Elemental carbon Emissions Ensemble simulation Ensemble simulations Eocene Eocene-Oligocene Transition Fennoscandia Finland Fires Flow pathways Foraminifera Forest Fossil leaves Functional traits Gas hydrate Geochemical proxy data Geochemistry Glacier Global climate model Grain size Greenhouse HCLIM High Arctic Himalaya Holocene Hydroclimate Hydroclimatic change Hydrogen isotopes Hydrological basins Hydrology India Indo-Gangetic Plain Instrumental temperature data Interactions Java Kara Sea Karelia Karelian Isthmus Kebnekaise LPJ-GUESS Lake Chashnitsy Lake Medvedevskoye Lake Nero Lake Pastorskoye Lake Pichozero Lake Tambichozero Lake Zaozer'e Lake level Lake sediments Land cover Land-cover change Land-use and land-cover change Landscape change Laptev Sea Last Interglacial Last millennium Lateglacial Lithostratigraphy MIS 5e Macro remains Marine Marine geology Maritime continent Mass absorption cross-section​ Meridional overturning circulation Meteorology Methane Methane emissions Mg/Ca Microclimate Micrometeorology Microsensor Mid-Holocene Mineral magnetics Miocene Miocene Climatic Optimum Miombo Model-data comparison Morphology Mozambique Multi-method Multi-proxy Museum specimens Nitrogen NorESM North Atlantic Northern Hemisphere Numerical modelling Ocean acidification Ocean circulation Oden Oligocene Oxygen PAGES 2k PM2.5 Palaeoceanography Palaeoclimate Palaeoecology Palaeohydrology Paleoceanography Paleoclimate Paleoclimate reconstruction Paleoenvironment Paleotemperature Past carbon cycling Peat bog Permafrost Permafrost hydrogeology Permafrost soils Permafrost thaw Phytoliths Planktic foraminifera Plant macrofossils Pollen Pollen stratigraphy Precipitation RCA4 RCP Radiosonde Regional climate model Regional climate models Russia SWERUS-C3 Salinity Savanna Scandinavia Sea surface temperature Seafloor methane Seasonality changes Sediment Snow Source apportionment South Africa South Asia Southern Ocean Southern Sweden Stable isotopes Stomatal proxy Sub-arctic Sulfur Summer temperature Surface energy budget TEX86 TOUGH+Hydrate Tarfala Temperature Temperature proxy Terrestial biota Terrestrial Tibet Topoclimate Topography Travel times Tropical atmosphere Tropical circulation Tropical precipitation Turbulence Turbulent drag Uk'37 Vegetation Volcanoes Warm-pool Weather Weather forecast Wildfire Wings iButton pH reconstruction