Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, Paul J. Krusic, Hanna S. Sundqvist, Eduardo Zorita, Gudrun Brattström, David C. Frank
Comparison of gridded proxy reconstructed and climate model simulated hydroclimate and temperature variability across the Northern Hemisphere over the past twelve centuries.
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Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, Paul J. Krusic, Hanna S. Sundqvist, Eduardo Zorita, Gudrun Brattström, David C. Frank (2016) Northern Hemisphere hydroclimatic variability over the past twelve centuries. NCDC-Paleoclimatology. National Centers for Environmental Information.
Ljungqvist FC, Krusic PJ, Sundqvist HS, Zorita E, Brattström G, Frank D (2016) Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate variability over the past twelve centuries. Nature 532: 94–98.
Data description
All source data used to plot the different figures in the study, including Extended Data Figures, are also available for downloading.The datasets are divided into four compressed archive data files: 1) source Data for plotting the different figures in the article including the Extended Data Figures, 2) proxy data for inferring hydroclimate used in the article, 3) proxy data for inferring temperature used in the article, and 4) software, code, and a detailed description of the software used in the study together with example data and runtime commands.
A spatial reconstruction of hydroclimate variability over the past twelve centuries across the Northern Hemisphere is derived from a network of 196 at least millennium-long proxy records. An updated compilation of 128 temperature proxy records is used to assess the relationship between the reconstructed centennial-scale Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate and temperature variability. The reconstructed hydroclimate anomalies are compared with data from coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model simulations. The hydroclimate proxy data and the temperature proxy data, with all records extending back to at least 1000 CE, are archived together with the code and software used to produce all different experiments described and shown in the study.
GCMD science keywords
Earth science > Paleoclimate > Paleoclimate reconstructions > Drought/precipitation reconstruction
GCMD location
Geographic Region > Northern Hemisphere
This is a contribution to the Past Global Changes (PAGES) 2k Network. Funding was provided by the Swedish Research Council (grant number C0592401), the Navarino Environmental Observatory (NEO) (project number 1946322) and the German Cluster of Excellence CLISAP (grant number EXC177).
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Use limitations
Cite Ljungqvist et al. (2016) when using this data.
2016-05-09 16:05:32