Eleonor E. Ryberg, Minna Väliranta, Antonio Martínez-Cortizas, Johan Ehrlén, Jenny K. Sjöström, Malin Kylander
Peat properties from an ombrotrophic bog (Store Mosse bog) located in south-central Sweden. The data include peat bulk density analysis, peat accumulation rates (peat-AR), and an age model based on 16 radiocarbon dates, on a 678 cm long peat sequence which was collected in November 2018 (using a Russian corer) and reaches almost 10000 cal years BP in basal age.
The peat sequence is based on 9 consecutive peat cores (of 1 m each) obtained from two alternating holes in the southern part of Store Mosse bog. The peat cores were subsampled into 1 cm slices and then stored in a cold room before analysis. The bulk density analysis was made at a 1 cm resolution by taking a cube of peat (roughly 1 cubic cm) from each subsampled slice to be freeze-dried, then weighed and measured (using a caliper) to calculate its density — these values were then used to align the cores to obtain one composite peat sequence with a depth of 678 cm.
The age model was created using R_Bacon which utilizes the IntCa13.14C calibration curve, based on 16 radiocarbon age dates of hand-picked plant macrofossil remains. Using the bulk density data and the ages from the age model, the peat accumulation rates (peat-AR) were calculated at 1 cm resolution by dividing the total mass (g/m²) by time between each sample, presented as g/m²/a.
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Eleonor E. Ryberg, Minna Väliranta, Antonio Martínez-Cortizas, Johan Ehrlén, Jenny K. Sjöström, Malin Kylander (2022) Peat properties (radiocarbon dating, bulk density analysis, and peat accumulation rates) obtained from a peat sequence reaching ~10 000 years BP in Store Mosse bog, south-central Sweden. PANGAEA. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.941394
Ryberg EE, Väliranta M, Martínez-Cortizas A, Ehrlén J, Sjöström JK, Kylander M (2022) Postglacial peatland vegetation succession in Store Mosse bog, south‐central Sweden: An exploration of factors driving species change. Boreas. https://doi.org/10.1111/bor.12580
Data description
This includes age model, bulk density and peat accumulation rates. Each sub-sampled slice (1 cm resolution) had a cube of peat taken out to be freeze-dried, weighed and measured (using a caliper) to calculate its density (g cm⁻³). The age model is based on 16 radiocarbon dated samples of macrofossil remains, and then created using R_Bacon and the IntCa13.14C calibration curve. By combining the data from the bulk density analysis and the age model we obtain the peat accumulation rates (peat-AR; g m⁻² a⁻¹), which were calculated at 1 cm resolution (dividing the total mass (g m⁻²) by time between each sample).
Data given as tab-limited text file were data is organised both by sample depth (top and bottom depths of each sample), composite depth (all in cm) as well as calibrated age (min, max, median and mean given in ka). The net accumulation rates and st dev, the raw data for dry bulk density (DBD) calculations (bag weight, sample+bag weight, wet weight, sample weight, sample volume) and mass flux are used with delta t calculated using age difference between samples and the delta from Bacon modelling to calculate the net peat accumulation rates.
This dataset is linked to Macrofossil analysis on a peat sequence reaching ~10 000 years BP in Store Mosse bog, south-central Sweden.