27 datasets found
Eddy covariance observations of atmosphere-ocean fluxes of CO₂; dissolved CO₂ in surface waters, and derived gas transfer velocities during the SWERUS-C3...
Atmospheric observations of CH₄ and CO₂ above the Eastern Arctic Ocean, and dissolved CH₄ in surface waters of the Eastern Arctic Ocean in July and...
Shipborne atmospheric measurements of methane (CH₄) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the Eastern Arctic Ocean in August and September 2014. This dataset...
This dataset contains meteorological data — air temperature, near-surface air temperature profiles, relative humidity, surface temperature, near-surface wind...
This dataset contains turbulent flux estimates, and associated mean meteorological quantities, measured at 2.65 m on a mast installed on the ice floe during...
Micrometeorological observations were collected from two masts on an ice floe a few hundred meters from the Icebreaker Oden during ice drift of the ASCOS...
This dataset contains turbulent flux estimates, and associated mean meteorological quantities, measured at 15.55 m on a mast installed on the ice floe during...
Profiles of ozone concentration were measured by a Vaisala add-on ozone sonde, for a few of the radiosoundings launched from the helipad of the Icebreaker Oden.
Profiles of radioactivity were measured by a Vaisala add-on radioactivity sonde for a few of the radiosoundings, measuring Geiger–Müller tube count rates...
This dataset contains 5-minute resolution processed water vapor isotopic (δ¹⁸O, δD, deuterium excess) measurements made during the expedition ARTofMELT...
The Icebreaker Oden's weather station was mostly located on the 7th deck about 27 m above sea level, on top of the bridge. Sensors were distributed over the...
Radiosoundings were launched every six hours (00, 06, 12 & 18UTC), and additionally before each helicopter flight (if not at one of the normal times), using...
In-situ boundary-layer meteorological observations were made from the ice using sensors hanging under a tethered balloon which was quasi-continuously winched...
Visibility data was collected using a Vaisala visibility sensor based on forward scattered laser light deployed on the aft starboard side on the 7th deck of...
The WeatherPak station is an integrated unit mounted approximately mid-ship on the forward railing on the Icebreaker Oden's 7th deck about 27 m above sea...
Wind profile data was obtained by sound detection and ranging (SODAR) which transmit audible sound pulses at several wave lengths. Using the Doppler shift of...
Wind profiler consensus data was obtained using a Doppler radar wind profilers transmitting at 449MHz. Using the Doppler shift of the return signals and...
Wind profiler moment data was obtained using a Doppler radar wind profilers transmitting at 449MHz. Using the Doppler shift of the return signals and algebra,...
The Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition was carried out during summer 2018 in the central Arctic Ocean. With the Swedish icebreaker Oden serving as the research...
The SWERUS-C3 (Swedish – Russian – US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions) expedition was carried out during the summer of...
The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) 2021 expedition was carried out during summer 2021 in the Arctic Ocean, covering a large area including parts of the Amundsen...