Kerstin Hartung, Jareth Holt, Anna Lewinschal, Gunilla Svensson
This dataset consists of input data (atmospheric initial conditions and forcing, ocean initial conditions, sea ice initial conditions, namelist files and model source files for sensitivity experiments) and output data of atmosphere-ocean single-column model (AOSCM) simulations.
Simulations were carried out to present how the AOSCM can be used to evaluate the three-dimensional coupled earth system model EC-Earth, specifically in polar conditions. The dataset can be used as a reference when using the model in this area.
All data is available at one point of the AOSCM (76° N, 160° E) for the period 1 – 3 August 2014. This point and time interval is selected to suit the observational campaign onboard icebreaker Oden during the SWERUS-C3 expedition in the Arctic Ocean.
Download data
Kerstin Hartung, Jareth Holt, Anna Lewinschal, Gunilla Svensson (2022) Atmosphere-ocean coupled single-column model (AOSCM) simulations for a point in the Arctic Ocean, 1 – 3 August 2014. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database.
Balmaseda MA, Mogensen K, Weaver AT (2013) Evaluation of the ECMWF ocean reanalysis system ORAS4. QJR Meteorol Soc 139:1132-1161.
C3S (2017) ERA5: Fifth generation of ECMWF atmospheric reanalyses of the global climate. Copernicus Climate Change Service Climate Data Store (CDS). Retrieved 2020-03-19. Retrieved 2020-03-19.!/home
Hersbach H, Bell B, Berrisford P et al. (2020) The ERA5 global reanalysis. QJR Meteorol Soc 146:1999–2049.
Hartung K, Svensson G, Holt J, Lewinschal A, Tjernström M (2022) Exploring the dynamics of an Arctic sea ice melt event using a coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Single-Column Model (AOSCM). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 14, e2021MS002593.
Sedlar J (2020) Meteorological observations during the SWERUS-C3 Arctic Ocean expedition 2014 and colocated regional climate model output. Dataset version 1.0. Bolin Centre Database.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Ocean Ecology Laboratory, Ocean Biology Processing Group. Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) Chlorophyll Data; 2018 Reprocessing. NASA OB.DAAC, Greenbelt, MD, USA.
Data description
The dataset contains input and output files of several AOSCM simulations. These were performed with the EC-Earth AOSCM based on OIFS cycles 40r1 and 43r3, NEMO3.6 and LIM3. More information can be found in Hartung et al. (2022).
The model describes the evolution of a full column covering the ocean, sea ice and atmosphere. In the atmosphere the model is indeed one dimensional but in the ocean the evolution is modelled in a 3x3 grid box with the centre box representing the column model.
The data files are compressed (zip and tar.gz). Total size of compressed data: 5.7 GB.
Input data
The files described in the following are part of the tar-archive input_ODEN_2014.tar.gz.
Sea ice initial states
Three different sea ice states are extracted at three Arctic locations of a coupled EC-Earth v3 simulation (CMIP6 historical simulation of resolution T613), representing potential sea ice states during the simulation period. They are, and
Information on sea ice is available in five sea ice thickness categories and includes for example sea ice temperature, volume, heat content and snow cover.
Ocean initial state
The initial state of the ocean (profiles of salinity and temperature, was extracted from the ORAS4 analysis for the period of interest. The ocean state is provided on 17 levels, the same as the number of model levels.
Atmospheric initial states and forcing
Initial vertical profiles (temperature, moisture, horizontal wind) as well as atmospheric forcing is based on the analysis mode of ERA5. Atmospheric forcing (advection of temperature, moisture, horizontal wind, and vertical advection) is provided with 1-hourly frequency from the main ERA5 analysis. All fields from ERA-5 are provided on 137 vertical levels.
The files are named oden-era5_2014080106(def,obs), where the initial conditions either are as default (defIC) or temperature and moisture are used based on observations (obsIC).
Ocean and atmospheric restart files
Restart files were produced using the initial state of atmosphere, sea ice and ocean. In the atmosphere, fields only available in forecasts, for example primarily surface fluxes, are obtained from the forecast mode of ERA5.
The files are named rstas_SIC-*.nc and rstos_SIC-*.nc for atmosphere and ocean, respectively. The sea ice concentrations (* in the file names) are 52, 71 and 78 % as for the sea ice initial state files.
Output data
1008 AOSCM simulations based on high-resolution ERA5 analysis were performed to present one approach to model evaluation with the AOSCM. The setups are described in more detail in Hartung et al (2022). All output is files are provided as NetCDF files within the tar-archives.
The archives of output files are named as follows:
20140801_oden-era5_SICsicname_dtdtname_exeexenameforcforcnameicnameIC_atmosvers.tar.gz and can be unpacked by executing e.g. "tar -zxvf .tar.gz".
- sicname={52, 58amip, 71, 78, 90, 90snow, 100}: the sea ice concentration setup, where setups SIC52, SIC71 and SIC78 are initialized from a sea ice restart file; SIC58amip is an atmosphere-only simulation ; SIC90, SIC90snow and SIC100 are idealized setups
- dtname={450, 900 or 3600}: corresponding to the time steps of atmosphere, ocean and sea ice model as well as their coupling frequency
- exename={default, z003lambda1010}: the type of surface coupling, either default or with increased roughness length and surface conductivity
- forcname={standard, noTadv, noqadv, noTqadv, nouvadv, novertadv}: the atmospheric forcing setup used, either full atmospheric forcing (standard) or some components disabled
- icname={def, obs}: the type of atmospheric initial conditions used, either default from ERA-5 or temperature and moisture profiles updated from observations
- atmosvers={40r1, 43r3}: the atmospheric model version, either based on OIFS 40r1 or 43r3
For all simulations the atmospheric output files and are provided within the tar-archives. They contain diagnosed and prognostic variables of the atmospheric model, respectively. The vertical resolution is 137 levels and the temporal resolution (every time step is provided as output) depends on the sensitivity experiments performed.
For all coupled setups additionally the sea ice output file (* and ocean output files (*grid_[T,U,V,W].nc) are provided. The ocean profile is resolved with 17 levels. Again, the temporal resolution depends on the model settings of the various sensitivity experiments (see Hartung et al. 2022).
Input data sources and information
See References for more details.
Ocean initial conditions
Atmospheric initial conditions and forcing
Ocean chlorophyll data
The observational data used in the Hartung et al. study are the Meteorological observations during the SWERUS-C3 Arctic Ocean expedition 2014 and colocated regional climate model output.
The simulations are based on branch Oden_2014 of the EC-Earth AOSCM repository. Usage of and access to the EC-Earth source code are licensed to affiliates of institutions which are members of the EC-Earth consortium. More information on EC-Earth is available at the EC-Earth website. As the AOSCM includes the ECMWF OpenIFS single-column model, the use of the AOSCM model also requires an OpenIFS license agreement, which can be obtained from ECMWF for free.
ERA5 data were generated using Copernicus Climate Change Service information (2021). Neither the European Commission nor ECMWF is responsible for any use that may be made of the Copernicus information or data it contains.