Nicole Shibley, Mary-Louise Timmermans, Christian Stranne
This dataset contains acoustic midwater data from the central Arctic Ocean, collected with a wideband Simrad EK80 sonar (18 kHz center frequency) in 2016, and co-located conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) data.
CTD data are routinely collected on expeditions that include a physical oceanography program. CTD data can be used in a very wide range of applications. Midwater echo sounders permit remote observations of changes in the water column, including thermohaline stratification, turbulence, and suspended particles, as well as individual fish, fish schools, and zooplankton.
Data were collected with the icebreaker Oden during the Arctic Ocean 2016 expedition to the central Arctic Ocean.
Download data
Nicole Shibley, Mary-Louise Timmermans, Christian Stranne (2020) Acoustic and in-situ observations of double-diffusive finestructure in the Arctic Ocean, August to September 2016. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database.
Shibley N, Timmermans M-L, Stranne C (2020) Analysis of acoustic observations of double-diffusive finestructure in the Arctic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters (accepted).
Data description
The data are processed and provided in MATLAB mat structures with the following content:
CTD data (CTD)
- pre - pressure (dbar)
- tem - concervative temperature from sensor 1 (°C)
- tem2 - concervative temperature from sensor 2 (°C)
- sal - absolute salinity from sensor 1 (g/kg)
- sal2 - absolute salinity from sensor 2 (g/kg)
- time - time in MATLAB datenum format
- lat - latitude (decimal °N)
- lon - longitude (decimal °E)
Acoustic data (ECHO)
- time - time in MATLAB datenum format
- lat - latitude (decimal °N)
- lon - longitude (decimal °E)
- TS - target strength (dB)
- range - depth below sea surface (m)
Data are stored in structures with names ending with either DriftA, DriftB or DriftC, and are identical to the corresponding drift stations discussed in detail in Shibley et al. (2020).
Please cite Shibley et al. (2020) when using this dataset.
Information about the Canadian-Swedish Arctic Ocean 2016 expedition is available from the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat.