Stockholm Historical Weather Observations

Information about the time points when the observations were made

The time points when weather observations were made at the Stockholm old astronomical observatory has changed several times since the start in 1754. In the first two years, observations were made only once daily. For the period 1756-1822 the documentation about exact observation hours is often missing, but information has been provided from 1823 onwards. In addition, the convention for measuring time has changed from local solar time (before 1841), local mean time (1841-1878), a common Swedish time (1879-1899), to Central European Time (CET) which has been used since 1900. Considering the sometimes missing information, Moberg et al. (2002) made an attempt to estimate and express the time point of each observation given in CET.

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A table providing estimated monthly averages of observation hours given in CET was provided in the erratum of Moberg et al. (2002). The content of this table is reproduced below (click on image to enlarge).


  • Moberg A, Bergström H, Ruiz Krigsman J, Svanered O. 2002: Daily air temperature and pressure series for Stockholm (1756-1998). Climatic Change 53: 171-212
  • Moberg A, Bergström H, Ruiz Krigsman J, Svanered O. 2002: Erratum. Climatic Change 54: 249-250