Swedish – Russian – US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions

The Swedish-Russian-US Investigation of Climate, Cryosphere and Carbon interaction (SWERUS-C3) program was initiated as a Knut and Alice Wallenberg funded research project. The project was developed into a multi-disciplinary international research program focused on investigating the historical functioning of the Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon (C3) system of the East Siberian Arctic Ocean. A two-leg expedition 2014 with the Swedish research icebreaker Oden constitutes the central part of SWERUS-C3. The expedition was supported by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat.

Data acquired during the expedition and post-cruise analyses will be available through this site.

  • Björn Eriksson documenting sediment coring procedures. Photo: Martin Jakobsson.

  • On the bridge. Photo: Björn Eriksson.

  • Oden on an ocean of ice pancakes. Photo: Björn Eriksson.

  • Group picture Leg 2. Photo: Björn Eriksson.

  • A weather ballon is realed two times everyday. Photo: Markus Karasti.