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74 datasets found



Catchment-scale, 5-year means hydro-climatic, edaphic, agricultural and nutrient efficiency data in the United States

This dataset comprises 5-year means of various hydro-climatic, edaphic and agricultural data aggregated at catchment-scale, in 110 catchments in the...

Data from a meta-analysis of 3279 articles on hydrogeodesy published during 1991⁠ – ⁠2023

This dataset contains results from a comprehensive meta-analysis studying the coevolution of hydrogeodesy and its application for water resources, covering...

Fennoscandian hydroclimate proxies for the last 2000 years

This is a collection of Fennoscandian proxy data based on multi-proxy sedimentary records expected to reflect the moisture and drought conditions on millennial...

Global social-ecological regions with potential for crop production increase with water harvesting

This spatial dataset contains raster files for 6 spatial archetypes representing social-ecological regions — archetypes of water harvesting regions (AWHR)...

Hydro-chemical data of Kilombero Valley

Hydro-chemical and istope data from streams, groundwater and rice paddies. Samples were taken weekly during with the main period covering parts of 2013-2014....

Long-term hydroclimatic data for 22 globally distributed wetlandscape sites

Long-term (1901–2014) annual average hydroclimatic conditions (T, P, ET) for wetlandscapes (catchments with wetland networks) around the world. These sites...

Northern Hemisphere 1,200-year hydroclimatic reconstruction

Comparison of gridded proxy reconstructed and climate model simulated hydroclimate and temperature variability across the Northern Hemisphere over the past...

Numerically modelled transport pathways in degrading permafrost

A numerical model which couples heat and water conservation equations combined with a post-processing routine for particle tracking of water pathways is used...

Spatial characterization of the Baltic Sea drainage basin and its unmonitored catchments

Harmonized hydrological base map of the entire Baltic Sea Drainage Basin, including 634 sub-drainage basins. Attribute data, added to all the sub-drainage...

Water quality data from stream water in the Khibiny massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia, August 2017

The dataset includes base chemistry, elemental concentrations, and sulfur isotopic composition (i.e., δ³⁴S-values in SO₄²⁻) from 11 stream water...


Atmospheric mineral deposition and peat accumulation rates during the last 8300 years in south-central Sweden

This dataset includes elemental concentration, mineralogy, and peat accumulation rates of a peat sequence from Draftinge Mosse bog, located in a peatland rich...

Biogenic and geochemical data covering the last 1700 years from a peat and sediment core from Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

This data set contains proxy data from a paleoenvironment reconstruction study covering the last 1700 years conducted on a peat core from Lydenburg, Mpumalanga...

Chemical and mineral composition of peat and soils samples, Halland province, southwestern Sweden

This dataset contains chemical, mineral and isotopic concentration data of a radiocarbon dated peat sequence from Davidsmosse bog, in Halland province,...

Geochemical, molecular, biogenic and pyrogenic content in a 175 cm long wetland sediment sequence, Free State, South Africa

This dataset contains geochemical, molecular, biogenic, and pyrogenic results derived from analysis of a 175 cm long wetland sequence from Marais Geluk...

Ground temperature and meteorological data from a permafrost peatland in Tavvavuoma, northern Sweden, 2006–2013

This monitoring dataset contains information on ground temperature and thaw depth, and meteorological parameters (air temperature, summer precipitation and...

Ground temperature, thaw depth and snow depth in a permafrost peatland in Tavvavuoma, northern Sweden

This dataset contains information on ground temperature, late season thaw depth and snow depth variability within a permafrost peatland in northern Sweden. The...

Holocene plant macrofossil and geochemical data from permafrost peatlands in Finnmark, Norway

This dataset contains detailed information on plant macrofossils, bulk density, loss on ignition, carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic properties from...

Holocene plant macrofossil and geochemical data from permafrost peatlands in Tavvavuoma, Sweden

This dataset contains detailed information on plant macrofossils, bulk density, loss on ignition, and carbon and nitrogen content at six permafrost peatland...

Holocene plant macrofossil and geochemical data from permafrost peatlands in Tavvavuoma, Sweden, and Finnmark, Norway

This dataset contains detailed information on plant macrofossils, bulk density, loss on ignition, and carbon and nitrogen content at four permafrost peatland...

Infrared spectral data of peat and ash from Cruz do Bocelo mire, northwestern Spain

The dataset contains standardized absorbance values of spectra for peat and ash samples, collected in the mid infrared (wavenumber 4000 – ⁠400 cm⁻¹)...

Litter bag decomposition at Stordalen mire 2011 – 2013

The dataset contains litter decomposition rates using 3 litter bags collections and their covariate environmental data. We measured in-situ decomposition of...

Loss-of-ignition, elemental carbon and mineral data from a peat composite – from a method study for organic matter removal

This dataset contains the measured values of loss of ignition (LOI), residual elemental carbon and identified minerals from peat composite sub-samples...

Macrofossil analysis on a peat sequence reaching ~10 000 years BP in Store Mosse bog, south-central Sweden

Plant macrofossils were analysed from an ombrotrophic peat bog (Store Mosse bog) located in south-central Sweden, using a 678 cm long peat sequence which was...

Maps of northern peatland extent, depth, carbon storage and nitrogen storage

This dataset contains GIS grids of peatland properties for the full northern hemisphere, north of 23° N. The files include peatland extent, permafrost extent,...

Maps of peatlands in the forested landscape of Sweden

This dataset contains binary raster maps showing presence-or-not of peatlands in the forested landscape of Sweden. Four different binary rasters are provided,...

Peat geochemistry, grain size, organic compounds and vegetation variability in northwestern Ireland during the last 8000 years

This dataset contains results of multi-proxy analysis of a 487 cm long peat sequence covering the last 8000 years from Roycarter Bog, County Mayo, northwestern...

Peat properties and geochemistry of a 5000 year old peat sequence from Store Mosse Dune South, southern Sweden

This dataset includes peat properties as well as elemental data and standardized absorbance values of spectra collected in the mid infrared (wavenumber...

Peat properties obtained from a peat sequence reaching ~10 000 years BP in Store Mosse, south-central Sweden

Peat properties from an ombrotrophic bog (Store Mosse bog) located in south-central Sweden. The data include peat bulk density analysis, peat accumulation...

Standardized values of mid infrared absorbances of peat samples from Store Mosse, southern Sweden

The dataset contains standardized absorbance values of selected peaks/bands of the mid infrared (MIR) spectra of peat samples. These are the most...

Storminess proxy data for the last 6670 years from Laphroaig Peat Bog, Islay, Scotland

This dataset comprises peat parameters (bulk density, age, accumulation rates, ash content) and elemental concentration and grain size data from a peat...


A high spatial resolution soil carbon and nitrogen dataset for the northern permafrost region

This spatial dataset is quantifying soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) storage with their carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) in soils of the...

Carbon use efficiency along resource stoichiometry gradients

Carbon use efficiency (CUE, the ratio of carbon used for growth over carbon taken up) is an important regulator of the carbon cycle. This dataset presents a...

Carbon use efficiency from organisms to ecosystems

Numerous definitions of carbon use and carbon storage efficiency (CUE and CSE, respectively) have been proposed to characterize how much of the carbon entering...

Detailed pedon data on soil carbon and nitrogen for the northern permafrost region

Soils in the northern high latitudes are a key component in the global carbon cycle; the northern permafrost region covers 22% of the Northern Hemisphere and...

High resolution datasets of soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks in Canadian lowland tundra

This dataset is a quantification soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) stocks for two study sites in Canadian lowland tundra at a spatial resolution of 2...

Particulate and mineral associated organic matter from ¹³C and ¹⁵N residue labelling studies from 2002 to 2024

The dataset is a collation of published data on residue, dissolved, particulate, and mineral associated organic matter (both carbon and nitrogen). Each data...

Soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in the Lena River Delta – pedon data

The Arctic Lena River Delta has been sampled with 50 soil pedons. These were classified according to the U.S.D.A. Soil Taxonomy and fall mostly into the...

Soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in the Lena River Delta – shapefile

The Arctic Lena River Delta has been sampled with 50 soil pedons. These were classified according to the U.S.D.A. Soil Taxonomy and fall mostly into the...

Soil physical, chemical and biological properties in two Swedish grasslands between 2019 and 2022

This dataset contains measurements of soil texture, pH, nutrients, total soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), including C:N ratio and δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N...

Soil properties along a cropland to grassland conversion chronosequence in northern Småland, Sweden, 2021

This dataset includes soil texture, bulk density, organic matter, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, aluminium, and iron...

Soil properties in semi-natural forests and paddy fields along a soil age gradient in northern Piedmont, Italy, 2021

This dataset includes soil texture, bulk density, pH, and contents of organic carbon (bulk soil and density fractions), total nitrogen (bulk soil and density...

Terrestrial dissolved organic carbon in northern permafrost from 2000 – 2022

This dataset contains dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and ancillary biogeochemical and environmental data, collected from previously published...

The Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database

Information and data from the Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database (NCSCD), a spatial dataset created for the purpose of quantifying storage of organic...

Time series of soil microbial growth and respiration rates after rewetting of dry soils

This data includes time series of soil bacterial growth rates, fungal growth rates, community-level respiration rates, and relevant environmental and soil...






Accumulation rate Active layer depth Active layer dynamics Aerial Age model Agriculture Agroforestry Air temperature Altimetry Annual resolution Aquatic biota Archetypes Arctic Atmospheric deposition Bhutan Biodiversity Biomarkers Biomass allometry Biome Bokoni Boreal forest Boreal peatland Bryophyte Bulk density Bulk precipitation C/N ratio CO₂ reconstruction Calving Canada Carbon Carbon isotopes Carbon storage efficiency Carbon to nitrogen ratio Carbon use efficiency Carbon-use efficiency Carbon/Nitrogen ratio Catchment scale Catenary postion Cations Change driver Chemistry Chloride Chronosequence Climate change Climate extremes Climate indicator Climate indicator plant species Climate model simulation Climate proxy data Climate reconstruction Climate sensitivity Climatic optima Cooloola Sand Mass Core drilling Critical transitions Cropland to grassland conversion Cruz do Bocelo mire Cryology DEM Dating Deglaciation Deltas Dendrochronology Diatoms Digital Elevation Model Dissolved organic carbon Dissolved organic nitrogen Drought Drying and rewetting Dunes Dust EPMA ERA5 data Earth science Ecological engineering Ecological stoichiometry Ecosystem services Ecosystems Elemental concentration Elevation Empirical FTIR FTIR-ATR Fennoscandia Fennoscandian Ice Sheet Fires Flow pathways Flow-path Fluvial terrace Forest Forest understory Forestry Fosen Fossil leaves Fraser Island GCM and emission scenarios GDGT GNSS GPT4o Geochemistry Geochronology Geodetic mass balance Geomorphological maps Glacial geomorphology Glacial lineation Glacial valley Glacier Global crop production Grain size Grass phytoliths Grassland biome Gravimetry Greenland Greenland Ice Sheet Grid Ground temperature Gårdsjön H-GDGTs Heartwood biomass Helicopter Himalayan Spruce Holocene Humidity Hydroclimate Hydrogeodesy Hydrology Ice retreat Ice sheet dynamics Ice-marginal moraine Icebreaker Oden Impact database InSAR Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP) Ireland Islay Isotopes Jimma Khibiny Kilombero Valley Kola Peninsula LGM LLM Land cover Land use Landscape Landscape abundances Landscape unit Large-scale Late Glacial Lateglacial Leaf waxes Lesotho LiDAR Lidar Lipids Litter decomposition Machine learning Mackenzie River Major-element geochemistry Marine ecosystems Massbalance Matuyama/Bruhnes boundary Microbial biomass carbon Microbial growth Microclimate Micrometeorology Microsensor Middle Pleistocene Transition Mine pollution Mineral associated organic carbon Mineral associated organic nitrogen Mineral dust Mineralogy Minerals Miocene Climatic Optimum Model-data comparison Multi-proxy Mårma Neoproterozoic glaciations Nitrogen Nitrogen use efficiency Northern Hemisphere Northern circumpolar permafrost area Northern circumpolar permafrost region Northern peatlands Norway Numerical modelling Nutrient budget Nutrient limitation OM removal OSL Offshore archives Optically stimulated luminescence Organic compounds Organic geochemistry Organic matter Outline Oxygen isotopes PAGES 2k Paleoclimate reconstruction Paleoclimatology Paleodust Paleoecology Paleoglaciology Paleomagnetism Particulate organic carbon Particulate organic nitrogen Peat Peat accumulation rate Peat accumulation rates Peat bog Peat molecular composition Peat paleodust Peat parameters Peat properties Peatland Peatland carbon Peatland depth Peatland extent Peatland nitrogen Peatland vegetation Peatlands Periglacial geomorphology Permafrost Permafrost carbon Permafrost hydrogeology Permafrost soils Permafrost thaw Phase transitions Phosphorous use efficiency Phosphorus Plant carbon Plant macrofossils Plant occurences Pollen Polygon Precipitation Predictions Primary productivity PrimeSCale model Priming effect Proxy Radiocarbon Random forest Reconstruction Regime shifts Residue carbon Residue nitrogen Respiration Respiration rates Rhizosphere priming Rice Root biomass Root distribution Root traits Ryder 2019 expedition Ryder Glacier SE Tibetan Plateau SEM-EDS Sapwood biomass Scandinavia Scotland Scoured terrain Sea level Sediment Sediment carbon Sediment cores Snow depth Snowball Earth Social-ecological systems Soil Soil aluminium oxides Soil bulk density Soil carbon Soil iron oxides Soil nutrients Soil organic carbon Soil properties Soil taxonomy Soil texture South Africa Southeast Asia Southwestern Ethiopia Spatial scale Sphagnum mosses Stable isotopes Statistical downscaling Stem biomass Stomatal proxy Stordalen Store Mosse Storminess Storms Stream water Sub-arctic Subarctic Sulfate Sulfur isotopes Summer temperature Supraglacial lake drainage Supraglacial lakes Sustainability Sustainable intensification of agriculture Sweden Systematic review TanDEM-X Tanzania Tarfala Research Station Temperate forest Temperature Temperature proxy Temperature reconstruction Tephra Tephrostratigraphy Terrestial biota Terrestrial Terrestrial ecosystems Thaw depth Thematic mapping Throughfall Topoclimate Topographic wetness index Total nitrogen Travel times Tree biomass Tundra UPH Varves Vascular plant Vedde Vegetation Vegetation carbon cycle Vegetation carbon stock Vibrational spectroscopy WD-XRF Water Water harvesting Water quality Water resources Water stable isotope ratio Wetland ecosystems XRD XRD analysis XRF brGDGTs iButton isoGDGTs