Anna Johansson, John Livsey, Daniela Guasconi, Gustaf Hugelius, Regina Lindborg, Stefano Manzoni
This dataset includes soil texture, bulk density, organic matter, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, aluminium, and iron content, resulting from field sampling undertaken in summer 2021 in northern Småland, Sweden, and GIS analysis made in spring 2022.
The original purpose of the data was to explore the effect of time since conversion, and catenary position on soil organic carbon storage, when soils experience a conversion from cropland to grazed grassland. The catenary position was characterized by the studied sites' topographic wetness index (TWI), a soil moisture proxy produced through GIS analysis.
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Anna Johansson, John Livsey, Daniela Guasconi, Gustaf Hugelius, Regina Lindborg, Stefano Manzoni (2023) Soil properties along a cropland to grassland conversion chronosequence in northern Småland, Sweden, 2021. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database.
Data description
The dataset consists of data from 23 sampling sites with 92 data points divided in four sampling depths (0 – 10 cm, 10 – 20 cm, 20 – 40 cm, and 40 – 60 cm) with organic matter, bulk density, classification between mineral soil or peat, and including texture data for the mineral soil. Each topsoil (0 – 10 cm) for the 23 sites have additional data for total carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, aluminum, and iron contents. In addition to the topsoil analyses of total carbon and total nitrogen, there were three full soil profiles (0 – 60 cm) for each category in the chronosequence (0, 25, 55, and 75 years since conversion) that were analyzed for total carbon and total nitrogen. Soil samples were taken in June and July, 2021. For each site, the topographic wetness index (TWI) was calculated by GIS analysis using a digital terrain model (DTM) with a spatial resolution of 2 m in spring 2022.
Data is provided in one comma-separated values (csv
) file with 23 columns, with the following content:
- Site number: 1 – 23
- Latitude: degrees, minutes, seconds north
- Longitude: degrees, minutes, seconds east
- Time since conversion: number of years since the croplands were converted to grazed grassland, where '0' means cultivated to present day
- Topographic wetness index (TWI)
- Depth (cm): depth to the centre of each sampling layer, where values 5, 15, 30, and 50 denote layers at 0 – 10, 10 – 20, 20 – 40, and 40 – 60 cm.
- Sand: sand content of the soil (%)
- Silt: silt content of the soil (%)
- Clay: clay content of the soil (%)
- Soil type: mineral soil ('0') or peat soil ('1'), defined as containing > 30 % organic matter
- pH: pH of the 23 topsoils
- Bulk density: soil bulk density (g/cm³)
- P: phosphorus content derived from the AL-method (g/kg soil)
- K: kotassium content derived from the AL-method (g/kg soil)
- Mg: magnesium content derived from the AL-method (g/kg soil)
- Ca: calcium content derived from the AL-method (g/kg soil)
- Al: aluminium content derived from the AL-method (g/kg soil)
- Fe: iron content derived from the AL-method (g/kg soil)
- Organic matter: organic matter content in % derived from the loss on ignition method (%)
- C-tot: total carbon content derived from elemental analysis with dry combustion (g/kg soil)
- N-tot: total nitrogen content derived from elemental analysis with dry combustion (g/kg soil)
- C:N: carbon to nitrogen ratio calculated from raw data of C-tot and N-tot (g/g)
- C:P: Carbon to phosphorous ratio calculated from raw data of C-tot and P content (g/g)
The roles of the data creators are: Data collection and preparation for the sampling and lab analysis (Johansson, Livsey, Manzoni), discussions for the campaign planning (Hugelius) and data interpretation (Guasconi, Lindborg).
The data are provided "as is". In case of errors or inconsistencies, please notify the contact person Stefano Manzoni immediately.
Also, Stefano Manzoni would welcome a notification when the data are used for any research project or publication.