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55 datasets found


Sediment cores

Holocene multi-proxy and multi-core data set for Lake Kumphawapi in northern Thailand

Lithostratigraphy, radiocarbon dates, magnetic susceptibility, geochemistry, biomarkers, diatom counts and percentages, biogenic silica, grain size, major...

Lateglacial and early Holocene environmental changes from Lake Medvedevskoye, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetics, radiocarbon dates, diatom counts, pollen counts, percentages and concentrations for the lacustrine sediment sequence of...

Lateglacial and early Holocene multi-core and multi-proxy data set for the ancient lake at Hässeldala Port, southern Sweden

Complete multi-proxy data set for cores #1 to cores #6 from Hässeldala Port, southern Sweden (63 m a.s.l.) including: Lithostratigraphy, geochemistry, tephra,...

Lateglacial and early Holocene multi-proxy data set for the ancient lake at Atteköpsmosse, southern Sweden

Lithostratigraphy, tephra, geochemistry, biomarkers, hydrogen isotopes, radiocarbon dates, age model, chironomid counts and percentages, pollen counts and...

Lateglacial and early Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Pastorskoye, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, radiocarbon dates, pollen counts, percentages and concentrations for the lacustrine sediment sequence of Lake Pastorskoye, Karelian Isthmus,...

Lateglacial and early Holocene paleoenvironmental changes from ancient Lake Steregoiu, Romania

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, loss-on-ignition and radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment sequence of the ancient Lake Steregoiu in...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from ancient Lake Preluca Tiganului, Romania

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, loss-on-ignition, and radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment sequence of the ancient Lake Preluca...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Chashnitsy, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, bulk sediment carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Nero, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, bulk sediment carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Pichozero, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, geochemistry, grain size, pollen, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment and peat bog...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Tambichozero, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, organic carbon, grain size, pollen, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment and peat bog...

Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental change data from Lake Zaozer'e, Russia

Lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements, bulk sediment carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, together with radiocarbon dates for the lacustrine sediment...

Multi-proxy record from Lake Pa Kho of Late Holocene climatic and environmental changes in northern Thailand

Lithostratigraphy, radiocarbon dates, age model, geochemistry, biogenic silica, major elements, biomarkers of a peat sequence from Lake Pa Kho in northern...

Multi-proxy sediment record from Lake Pa Kho reconstructing MIS-3 climatic and environmental changes in northern Thailand

The sediments from Lake Pa Kho in northern Thailand constitute a unique climatic archive since they allow recording climate and environmental changes between...

Paleoenvironmental data from Lake Chilau, southern Mozambique, inferring savanna and lake level dynamics in the last 7700 years

This data set contains proxy data from a paleoenvironment reconstruction study covering the last 7700 years in southern Mozambique, derived from fossil...

Temperature and hydrological data for the last 18,000 years from Lake Nong Thale Prong, Southern Thailand

Data from a sediment core from Nong Thale Prong, Southern Thailand, including radiocarbon data, plant macrofossil and charcoal data, bulk geochemistry, leaf...


Sediment cores

Carbonate content, carbon and oxygen stable isotopes of bulk sediment from the eastern equatorial Pacific

The data consist of carbonate content and carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition of bulk sediment samples deposited since the late Miocene (~7 Ma) at the...

Geochemical XRF core scanning data of marine sediment cores from the Ryder 2019 expedition

Relative geochemical elemental abundances of marine sediment cores collected during the Ryder 2019 Expedition to northwestern Greenland and the Lincoln...

Late Holocene paleomagnetic secular variation records of sediment cores SWERUS-L2-2-PC1 and SWERUS-L2-4-PC1 from the Chukchi Sea

Geomagnetic field directions (inclination and declination) are reconstructed for two sediment cores for the past 4200 years. The sediment cores were collected...

Marine sediment core data from Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean, core SWERUS-L2-2-PC1

Data from sediment core SWERUS-L2-2-PC1. The core was collected during the SWERUS-C3 expedition with icebreaker Oden 2014. Core length: 8.2 m. Coring site:...

Marine sediment core data from Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean, core SWERUS-L2-4-PC1

Data from sediment core SWERUS-L2-4-PC1. The core was collected during the SWERUS-C3 expedition with icebreaker Oden 2014. Core length: 6.1 m. Coring site:...

Physical properties of marine sediment cores from the Ryder 2019 expedition

Bulk Density and magnetic susceptibility measurements performed on 25 marine sediment cores collected during the Ryder 2019 Expedition to northwestern...

Sea-ice biomarkers and total organic carbon from sediment of Holocene age collected in the southern Lincoln Sea in 2019

This dataset includes sea-ice related biomarkers and the amount of total organic carbon from 15 surface sediment samples and two gravity cores collected during...

The 3.6 ka Aniakchak tephra in marine sediments from the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean

The eruption of the Alaskan Aniakchak volcano of 3.6 thousand years ago was one of the largest Holocene eruptions worldwide. The resulting ash is found in...



Atmospheric mineral deposition and peat accumulation rates during the last 8300 years in south-central Sweden

This dataset includes elemental concentration, mineralogy, and peat accumulation rates of a peat sequence from Draftinge Mosse bog, located in a peatland rich...

Biogenic and geochemical data covering the last 1700 years from a peat and sediment core from Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

This data set contains proxy data from a paleoenvironment reconstruction study covering the last 1700 years conducted on a peat core from Lydenburg, Mpumalanga...

Bulk density, ash content, humification, peat accumulation and selected lithogenic data of Store Mosse peat bog

Chemical and physical as well as age dating information from the Store Mosse peat bog in southern Sweden. This record dates back to 8900 cal yr BP. The aim of...

Chemical and mineral composition of peat and soils samples, Halland province, southwestern Sweden

This dataset contains chemical, mineral and isotopic concentration data of a radiocarbon dated peat sequence from Davidsmosse bog, in Halland province,...

Geochemical, molecular, biogenic and pyrogenic content in a 175 cm long wetland sediment sequence, Free State, South Africa

This dataset contains geochemical, molecular, biogenic, and pyrogenic results derived from analysis of a 175 cm long wetland sequence from Marais Geluk...

Holocene plant macrofossil and geochemical data from permafrost peatlands in Finnmark, Norway

This dataset contains detailed information on plant macrofossils, bulk density, loss on ignition, carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic properties from...

Holocene plant macrofossil and geochemical data from permafrost peatlands in Tavvavuoma, Sweden

This dataset contains detailed information on plant macrofossils, bulk density, loss on ignition, and carbon and nitrogen content at six permafrost peatland...

Holocene plant macrofossil and geochemical data from permafrost peatlands in Tavvavuoma, Sweden, and Finnmark, Norway

This dataset contains detailed information on plant macrofossils, bulk density, loss on ignition, and carbon and nitrogen content at four permafrost peatland...

Loss-of-ignition, elemental carbon and mineral data from a peat composite – from a method study for organic matter removal

This dataset contains the measured values of loss of ignition (LOI), residual elemental carbon and identified minerals from peat composite sub-samples...

Macrofossil analysis on a peat sequence reaching ~10 000 years BP in Store Mosse bog, south-central Sweden

Plant macrofossils were analysed from an ombrotrophic peat bog (Store Mosse bog) located in south-central Sweden, using a 678 cm long peat sequence which was...

Peat properties and geochemistry of a 5000 year old peat sequence from Store Mosse Dune South, southern Sweden

This dataset includes peat properties as well as elemental data and standardized absorbance values of spectra collected in the mid infrared (wavenumber...

Standardized values of mid infrared absorbances of peat samples from Store Mosse, southern Sweden

The dataset contains standardized absorbance values of selected peaks/bands of the mid infrared (MIR) spectra of peat samples. These are the most...

Storminess proxy data for the last 6670 years from Laphroaig Peat Bog, Islay, Scotland

This dataset comprises peat parameters (bulk density, age, accumulation rates, ash content) and elemental concentration and grain size data from a peat...





14C dates Active layer Africa Age model Aquatic biota Arctic Arctic Ocean Arctic greening Arctic warming Bathymetry Bering Strait Biogenic Bloom Biogeochemical cycles Biogeochemistry Biomarker Biomarkers Bokoni Boreal peatland Bronze Age Bulk sediment C/N ratio CASCADE Carbon Carbon dioxide reconstructions Carbon isotopes Carbon remobilization Carbon/Nitrogen ratio Cesium-137 activity Charcoal Chirp Chukchi Sea Climate change Climate indicator Climate indicator plant species Climate reconstruction Concentrations Core drilling Core logging data Deglaciation Diatom stratigraphy Diatoms EC-Earth EPMA Early Holocene Eastern equatorial Pacific Effective humidity Elemental concentration FTIR-ATR Fennoscandia Fires Fosen GDGT Geochemistry Glaciers Glaciology Grain size Grass phytoliths Grassland biome Greenland H-GDGTs HCLIM Holocene Hydroclimate Hydrogen isotopes Hydrography Hässeldala Icebreaker Oden Islay Isotopes Itrax XRF Jämtland Karelia Karelian Isthmus LPJ-GUESS Lake Chashnitsy Lake Kumphawapi Lake Medvedevskoye Lake Nero Lake Pastorskoye Lake Pichozero Lake Tambichozero Lake Zaozer'e Lake level Lake sediments Land cover Land-cover change Land-use and land-cover change Last 2000 years Late Miocene Lateglacial Lincoln Sea Lipids Lithostratigraphy Loss-on-ignition Macro remains Major-element geochemistry Marine Geology Marine Isotope Stage 3 Marine geology Marine sediment Maritime continent Mercury concentration Meteorology Micrometeorology Mid-Holocene Mineral dust Mineral magnetics Mineralogy Minerals Miombo Mozambique Multi-core Multi-proxy Multi-proxy data set Multi-proxy lake sediments Multibeam Nitrogen Northern Thailand Norway OM removal Ocean chemistry Oceanography Organic carbon Organic matter Palaeoclimate Palaeoecology Palaeohydrology Palaeomagnetic secular variation Paleo-monsoon Paleoceanography Paleoclimate Paleodust Paleoecology Paleoenvironment Paleotemperature Past carbon cycling Peat Peat accumulation Peat accumulation rate Peat accumulation rates Peat bog Peat molecular composition Peat paleodust Peat parameters Peat properties Peatland vegetation Peatlands Percentages Permafrost Permafrost carbon Phytoliths Plant macrofossils Pollen Pollen counts Pollen stratigraphy Preindustrial Preluca Tiganului Proxy RCA4 RCS Radiocarbon Radiocarbon dates Regional climate model Reservoir age Romania Russia Ryder 2019 expedition SEM-EDS SWERUS-C3 SWERUS-C3 expedition Sample depth Savanna Scandinavia Scotland Scots pine Sea ice Sea level Sea-ice loss Sediment Sediment cores Sediment geochemistry Sediment physical properties Sedimentology Seismoacoustic Siberia South Africa Southeast Asia; Southern Ocean Southern Sweden Sphagnum mosses Stable isotopes Steregoiu Store Mosse Storminess Stratigraphy Sub-bottom profiling Subarctic Sulfur Summer temperature Sweden TRW Temperature proxy Temperature reconstruction Tephra Tephrostratigraphy Terrestial biota Thailand Thermokarst Trace gas Tree-rings Vedde Vegetation Vegetation feedback Vibrational spectroscopy WD-XRF Weather observations Weather station XRD XRD analysis brGDGTs isoGDGTs pH reconstruction