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19 datasets found



Data from expedition AGAVE, Arctic Ocean, 2007

The AGAVE (Arctic Gakkel Vents) expedition was carried out during summer 2007 in the central Artic Ocean with a main focus on mapping and sampling the Gakkel...

Data from expedition LOMROG II, Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean, 2009

The LOMROG II (Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland) expedition was carried out during summer 2009 in Arctic Ocean waters around the North Pole and off North...

Data from expedition LOMROG, Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean, 2007

The LOMROG (Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland) 2007 expedition was carried out during summer of 2007. The expedition worked in the central Arctic Ocean over...

Data from expedition OSO, Southern Ocean, 2010

The OSO (Oden Southern Ocean) 2009/10 expedition was carried out during austral summer 2009/10 in Southern Ocean waters off West Antarctica. With the...

Data from expedition Petermann, off North Greenland, 2015

The Petermann 2015 expedition was carried out during summer 2015 in the Nares Strait off Northwestern Greenland. The main target was the Petermann Fjord where...

Data from expedition Ryder, off North Greenland, 2019

The Ryder 2019 Expedition was carried out during summer 2019 in the Arctic Ocean off Northwest Greenland. The main target was Sherard Osborn Fjord where Ryder...

Data from expedition SWERUS-C3, Arctic Ocean, 2014

The SWERUS-C3 (Swedish – Russian – US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions) expedition was carried out during the summer of...

General metadata from expedition SAS, Arctic Ocean, 2021

The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) 2021 expedition was carried out during summer 2021 in the Arctic Ocean, covering a large area including parts of the Amundsen...

Sediment cores

Age model and physical properties of sediment from the Arctic Siberian margin, core SWERUS-L2-31PC

Age model and sedimentological data for a marine sediment core collected on the Lomonosov Ridge adjoining the East Siberian shelf, Arctic Ocean. The dataset...

Fish otoliths in sediment samples from expedition SAS, Arctic Ocean, 2021

This dataset contains metadata and 296 files with photographs of 325 fish otoliths (calcium carbonate structures in the heads of bony fishes) sampled from the...

Marine sediment core data from Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean, core SWERUS-L2-2-PC1

Data from sediment core SWERUS-L2-2-PC1. The core was collected during the SWERUS-C3 expedition with icebreaker Oden 2014. Core length: 8.2 m. Coring site:...

Marine sediment core data from Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean, core SWERUS-L2-4-PC1

Data from sediment core SWERUS-L2-4-PC1. The core was collected during the SWERUS-C3 expedition with icebreaker Oden 2014. Core length: 6.1 m. Coring site:...

Marine sediment core data from De Long Trough, Siberian margin and slope, Arctic Ocean

Sediment core data from four sites in the East Siberian Sea, Arctic Ocean. The cores were collected during the SWERUS-C3 expedition with icebreaker Oden 2014....

Sea-ice biomarkers and total organic carbon from sediment of Holocene age collected in the southern Lincoln Sea in 2019

This dataset includes sea-ice related biomarkers and the amount of total organic carbon from 15 surface sediment samples and two gravity cores collected during...