Global weather forecast data with model EC-Earth — ensemble dataset for historical and future conditions

Due to a chaotic nature of the atmosphere, all weather forecasts are uncertain. The degree of uncertainty differs depending on weather situation, season and geographical location and is also dependent on characteristics of the forecast model. Data from this study shows that global warming can significantly change the uncertainty of weather forecasts. Surface air temperature and air pressure become easier to predict in a warmer climate, whereas precipitation gets harder to predict. Figures from Scher and Messori (2019).

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Sebastian Scher (2019) Global weather forecast data with model EC-Earth — ensemble dataset for historical and future conditions. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database.


Scher, S., & Messori, G. (2019). How Global Warming Changes the Difficulty of Synoptic Weather Forecasting. Geophysical Research Letters, 46.

Data description

The dataset includes 153,404 files in NetCDF format, together amounting to ca 8.1 TiB of data. The data are structured in six levels: (1) all data; (2) historical/future; (3) variable; (4) year; (5) month; (6) individual file.

Variables: 2-metre temperature (2t), Mean sea level pressure (msl), Temperature (t), Total precipitation (tp), U component of wind (u), V component of wind (v), Geopotential (z).

2D-variables (2t, msl, tp) have a grid of 160 latitudes x 320 longitudes.

3D-variables (t, u, v, z) have a grid of 240 latitudes x 480 longitudes x 3 pressure levels (850 hPa, 500 hPa, 300 hPa).

The spectral resolution of the weather forecast model is T159.

Each file contains 10 members, of which each has 11 daily snapshots valid at 12:00 UTC. The first timestep is the initial field (forecast-lead-time zero). The individual members represent different possible evolutions of the weather over the 10 days of the forecast.

Parameter units: msl [Pa], u [m/s], v [m/s], 2t and T [K], z [m²/s²], tp [m]

Contact information

Email address
[javascript protected email address]
Phone number


Postal address

Sebastian Scher
Department of Meteorology (MISU), Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm


GCMD science keywords

Earth science services > Models > Atmospheric general circulation models

GCMD location

Geographic Region > Global



Dataset language



Funded by the Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, and by the Swedish Research Council (VR) grant no. 2016-03724


Bolin Centre Database

Dataset version


Use limitations





2019-08-27 15:59:19

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