Most research funders require a data management plan. Stockholm University provides some support for this, including a template prepared for the Bolin Centre. Read more about this at the research data support website at SU, where you will find general information about research data management at our university.
Research data at SU
DMP Online
Create, process, analyze
Research data can be generated in many different ways, depending on the type of research, e.g. by measurements, observations or simulations. The Bolin Centre provides support for high-performance computing through NAISS. Read more on how to get started on the NAISS computing resources.
NAISS resources
Share, intermediate storing
Bolin Centre has access to two general data storage alternatives for intermediate storage.
Sunet Drive
Publish, reuse, archive
Most academic journals and funders require publication of data in an open repository. We recommend you to use the Bolin Centre Database. Research data produced by employees at Stockholm University must be archived. When you publish data at the Bolin Centre Database, your data will automatically be archived.
Publishing and re-using